How to turn a pages file into pdf
How to turn a pages file into pdf

Use scan-to-PDF functionality combined with optical character recognition tools to speed the transition towards a paperless future.Add charts, images, and other graphics, such as page borders and numbers, to create a more professional appearance for your documents.Add, edit, move, and manipulate text throughout the document to craft a PDF that matches your goals.Combined with a full suite of PDF editing tools, you can also: With such a straightforward process for conversions, don’t overlook how much of an asset a tool such as Power PDF is to your business. Make PDF Editing Easier Every Day with Power PDF Windows users can also access context menus by right-clicking on Word documents within File Explorer and clicking "Create PDF from file", generating a converted PDF file immediately. Users can use the convenient "Create PDF" button on the Kofax PDF ribbon to instantly create a new file from the currently open document. Power PDF can embed into Office applications as a shortcut under the "Kofax PDF" bar on the main ribbon. The program automatically creates a PDF in the destination that you set. Open the file that you want to turn into a PDF in a program such as Microsoft Word.With Power PDF Advanced on your Windows or Mac machine, you can access simple conversion tools right from the program of origin. The easiest way to use Power PDF to create a new PDF document out of a Word file is to use the built-in integration provided by the software upon installation. 5 Steps to Create PDFs Inside Office Applications

How to turn a pages file into pdf