The switch is handled brilliantly and sets the tone for the rest of the game. Gone is the swords-and-sorcery themes, replaced with a superhero setting, ripped straight from the 13th and 14th seasons of the show.

The recently released follow-up, “The Fractured But Whole,” deviates from the original game in small ways, but keeps most of what worked there intact.

At the end of “The Stick of Truth,” I wondered – what more could a new South Park game add to justify its existence? However, toward the end of the game, it was clear the jokes were being stretched a little thin and some unnecessary padding was added, likely to lengthen the play time. From the simple-but-fun turn-based combat, to the exploration elements, to the cheeky takedown of fantasy tropes, “The Stick of Truth” held up as a fantastic game.